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Community Involvement

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Community involvement

At Forcum Lannom Contractors, we strongly believe in serving the communities in which we live and work, and this commitment extends beyond the structures we build. Forcum Lannom makes major financial contributions to a wide range of local community support organizations surrounding our offices and project sites each year. While these financial contributions are an important part of giving back, it is the time and talent of our employees that truly make the difference. Employees are encouraged to participate in service initiatives that they are passionate about. Through these activities, we grow stronger as individuals and as a team all the while making a difference in our communities.

Watch the video below to learn more about the ways we contribute to different initiatives and organizations within our community.

  • Quality Control
    Quality Control

    Our Quality Control and Assurance plan for your project includes a step-by-step process in each phase of the project, from bidding to our post-construction warranty review.

    Read more

  • Safety Program
    Safety Program

    Our policy at Forcum Lannom Contractors is to continually strive for the highest safety standards on every project that meets and or exceeds OSHA requirements.

    Read more

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